I can't believe Robocop is gonna be remade!!! I mean what the fuck?? Are the movie studios so uncreative now, they've resorted to remaking movies that don't need to be remade?? I'm sure they have a list of movies that are hits in one form of another and they a have a mongoose with the name of one movie attached to it fight a snake with the name of another movie attached to it, and whichever wins is the movie they make. Stupid fuckers, stop remaking movies and buy a script from me! I gots all kind of ideas for crazy shit, like 40 Year-old-virgin vs Predator! I mean think about it, it'll make millions. But I digress, I'm shocked and appalled, that they would even consider ruining a masterpiece. " Hey let's remake the Mona Lisa." " Sure, we'll put fake tits on her and make her single mom that's a lesbian!" Brilliant, just brilliant. Anyway here's an artical lifted from
arrow in the head explaining this travesty.
MGM is planning an exciting fall and winter release schedule. In partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment, MGM will bring new installments of two of its tentpole franchises -- the new James Bond movie QUANTUM OF SOLACE and Steve Martin in PINK PANTHER 2. MGM will also release United Artists' international thriller VALKYRIE, starring Tom Cruise on October 3. With the appointment of Parent, MGM will enter its new phase of evolution by focusing on its major movie franchises highlighted by JAMES BOND and PINK PANTHER sequels, THE HOBBIT, THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR 2, THE OUTER LIMITS, ROBOCOP, DEATH WISH and FAME, among others.
I hate life.......

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