Why do cheetos smell like feet? I mean really, who the fuck thought it was alright to sell a snack that smelled like stank ass feet???? " Hmmm these cheesy things really smell like feet, and they're delicious. We'll make millions!!!" And what does that say about society that millions of americans eat this shit with little regard to the fact that they smell like funky 10k walk feet. Sick fucks, that's what americans are. Sick fucks with a foot fetish. I'm gonna eat some funyons.

Extra tidbit: I was talking to Jen, an employee of the comic store I frequent, and she told me how her friend's kid found a piece of shit in a cheetos bag. The kid almost ate until his mom saw what it was and saved the kid. Needless to say there is a pending court case. This is a 100% true story. But what I want to know is, why did the cheetos still smell like fucking feet??
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